Here are some photos from downshift meet.. that was not last weekend, but the weekend before... yep slack as, I know! haha I have been damn busy with the E38 project.. Alex and myself jumped on a plane on Saturday morning headed for Melbourne and drove it back to the Gold Coast!
anyway enough of that, you will see/read plenty of that in due time.. here are some late photos for you all...
Good turnout.. but have to say the quality does drop as the meets get bigger, but it was great to catch up with everybody that I hadn't seen for a long time!
The Rydes S15.. looking good with its STATUS seats that you would have read about.. and also rocking his epic new SSRs

YO MAMA, looking dope as per usual!
Sneaky, Sneaky!!
Nice little fitted up cube
Really liked this one.
For someone that absoultly hates supras... I liked this one! hahaha
It does needs more low in the rear though.