Thursday, May 17, 2012


Well here is the first post of some amazing cars I got the pleasure to witness when I was in Japan.. we were leaving Fuji Speedway after a long day at the HKS Premium day (Yes I will be doing a post) and heading back to our hotel in Tokyo.

Sitting at a set of lights waiting to turn left to head towards the highway, we heard the wicked sound of straight through exhausts smashing around a corner... then to see this thing fly past us! 
I swear, I shouted at Jack (JackJack) to run the red light to follow these cars... after the lights went green, he did as he was told (hahaha) and we set off chasing in a random direction.

 After driving for about 5 mins and loosing site of most of the cars... I thought we weren't going to catch up to them at all... luckily we some how managed to get up beside 3 of them at a red light.

I felt a little weird taking photos of them at the lights, but they all seemed to have smiles on there faces and even got a couple of peace signs so I continued to snap a few more shots.

Jack realised that there were all turning left and did a quick jump on the cars when taking off from the lights and pulled right in front of all the cars... we drove in front of them for a little while, following there turn signals and luckily for us got put back onto the highway heading towards Tokyo.

As this mark II pulled off the highway we thought that would be the end of little zokusho / shakotan experience... OH HOW WE WERE WRONG!!

I think a little wee come out when I saw this rear end rolling up in front.

I really can't describe how awesome this was for me to see.. never in my life I thought I would witness anything like this!! My mind was blown this day.. and I was just happy I could get these photos to share with everybody!

As I said earlier I couldn't fit all this awesomeness into 1 post, so I will have another 2 coming for you over the next few days.

Thanks, Streetkarnage.