Yesterday morning I arrived home from, what was one of the raddest weeks I have had in my life!
With money tight, we only headed for one week and to only one destination.. Tokyo.. Being all of our first times to Japan, before we left, we set out on gathering as much information about the car scene as possible. The week leading up I was talking a shit load with the 6 time veteran, John Dollisson from AusZoku.. he gave me the low down on a heap of things and cant thank him enough.
Also would like to thank everybody else that helped us out with information.
Also would like to thank everybody else that helped us out with information.
So a quick run down of the automotive places we got to see in our week are...
3 Up Garage Stores
2 Autobacs Stores
3 Workshops... Star Road, Top Secret, and a closed RWB :(
Hks premium day at Fuji Speedway
2 nights at Daikokufuto PA
and more!
So as you can see fitting all of that in a week made our "holiday" one super busy week! hahaha

Also fitting into our week, was a heap of sites around tokyo and even riding the bullet train up north to check out an amazing temple island full of cherry blossoms.

I personally got over 3000 photos from the trip and then Aerron has his camera full as well. haha So we will have plenty of content from our trip to show you all, so make sure to keep an eye on our page.
This was my kind of holiday and the best way we could have seen Tokyo.. In the big picture we would have loved to travel down to Nagoya and Osaka but that gives us a shit load still to do next time we return to the mother land.
Thanks, Streetkarnage.